Wednesday 29 May 2013


All the work for Level 4 is now finished, annotated and handed in. What a relief! I really enjoyed the Photoshop module despite feeling lost in a haze of gobbledegook for most of the time. I really found the best way for me to get my head around the techniques was just to go for it and play about.

The brief was to produce 2 A3 size fabric samples and 1 A3 picture of a model using own design to fill in the garment, using the path tool in PS to select the shapes. I never thought at first I would get how to use the pen tool, but practice makes not quite perfect but acceptable.

Here are some of the designs created

based on my drawing of cow parsley.

Cow parsley and poppy heads in differing scales

Poppy heads and fishbones


Lilies and barbed wire

onion seedheads with poppy bloom brush.

poppy bloom brush and barbed wire pattern

Poppy seedheads and fishbone in adjusted colour

For this I tried my hand at Adobe Illustrator to make a block pattern and converted it to a brush for the background using different colours and then overlaid with a mirrored pattern,

This was the original block pattern which was defined as a pattern. overlaid and the joins tidied up with the patch tool

Block brush pattern with colours adjusted.

Model with fabric designs overlaid.  (Model image from the Stork magazine).

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