Sunday 3 February 2013

more drawing

I should have spent the last few days drawing and painting for my next project but seem to have a bit of a block as I've only managed to do a couple of drawings. I think the problem is that I have no idea what sort of end piece I'm aiming for, so it seems any drawings are just random, trying to get inspiration.

Anyway here are shots of some of them.

I've been doing primary source drawings of circuit boards, broken 'phones, wire baskets and I'm now looking at roof structures both modern and those found in churches and cathedrals. Most of the drawings seemed very linear and architectural so I wanted to bring in something more organic. I came across some great photographs of craters such as those on the moon and on Mars and was much taken with the textures, so the drawing development may turn to things 'celestial'. The textures would lend themselves easily to stitch and manipulated fabrics. Hopefully by the next post I'll be a bit clearer in my mind which direction I'm going in.

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