Thursday, 25 July 2013


Not long back from a few days away in the Peak District. The weather was great and it was good just to relax and mosey about. Here's a few of the photographs taken

Cottage we stayed in
What fabulous views
Old machinery from Masson Mill textile museum
Old weaving cards from textile museum
Isn't she wonderful!

Pattern from church floor

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Keeping up with what's new.

I went to New Designers in London a week or so ago, and had a lovely day seeing all the wonderful stuff that is being produced by the design graduates. There was so much interesting work on display and it was good to talk to the students to hear of their experiences in their chosen courses. I found I was gravitating towards the textures of the knit and woven pieces, which is surprising as I had turned my sights more towards surface pattern in my own work. It was good to be reminded that the choices in textile design are varied and each has it's own merits. Unfortunately I couldn't take any photographs to post here, but I got lots of business cards to remind me of the work I saw.

Back home I've been concentrating on household stuff trying to catch up on things such as decorating and the allotment which get somewhat neglected during term times. But, I'm looking forward to having a break soon, going with friends to the Peak District for a bit of R & R. I hope to get some photography done as an inspiration source for next term.

I've been looking at the work of local mixed-media textile artist Laura Edgar, as I love her work. A lot of it is inspired by the North-East coast and to me has that lovely wild beauty so typical of the coastline in this part of the world. Here is a taster -

Laura Edgar - The images don't do justice to the sense of texture created.  I just love her  use of subdued colour to create  a mood.